2011年3月31日 星期四

10 Ways to Love Myself More (By Tamara Monell)

1. Maintain optimism no matter how bad you feel. These are the times for one to stay positive so that you can maintain a healthy attitude to manage your emotions in a healthy manner.

2. Use positive affirmations and language. Ones internal dialogue such be as positive as possible to manage negative thoughts, feelings and reactions. Positive self-statements also lead to increase hope which helps to keep one motivated.

3. Keep up with your appearance and hygiene as this is fundamental in maintaining a healthy state of mind. Beauty begins in the inside and can help you feel good to look good. The days you feel the worst are the most important days ones needs to get out of bed, shower, get dressed and begin their day of exploration for happiness.

4. Learn to accept praise. This is a great way to get use to compliments from others and hopefully beginning to complement yourself. When one has talents it is healthy and necessary to acknowledge and appreciate them.

5. Surround yourself with positive people. This is important when developing healthy relationship. In having people support system one is valuing oneself in addition to looking out for ones best interest.

6. Have self-confidence. The best person to trust is yourself so if you must, work on improving this area in your life. With self-confidence one can do and deal with anything. This is also important when making decisions in ones life.

7. Accept your weakness and focus on using your strengths to make improvements in your life. No one is perfect and should never try to be as this will only add unnecessary pressure.

8. Build on your strengths as these are the qualities and talents one is bless to grow with.

9. Learn to forgive yourself for your regrets and/or mistakes. One not only falls but also grows form any and all experiences whether it be good or bad.

10. Love yourself no matter who you feel you are. The only person who determines this you. This means learning to change areas in your life that need improvements that will help lead to progress in ones life.

Written by: Tamara A. Monell MS, LMHC, NCC
Date: Sunday 03-14-10 @10:55 PM
Expert advice from a Licensed Mental Health Counselor & Psychotherapist; National Certified Counselor
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tamara_Monell

I am learning to love myself more, share with you~

2011年3月14日 星期一

God Bless Japan

2011/03/11日本東北大地震對於日本居民,甚至是全世界的人來說,一定非常難忘。媒體放送地震當下的畫面,讓我想起921地震時的驚恐,今天新聞發佈地震級數更是上修至9級,是921的256倍大,地震當時一定很可怕,更可怕的是地震引發海嘯吞噬船、汽車、房屋、農田以及居民.........那一刻的畫面,更讓我覺得怵目驚心!! 日本福島核電廠也因地震、海嘯而造成爆炸,昨天九州又有火山爆發.........災難不斷的發生,大自然的力量,不是我能夠想像,而我更不敢想像,如果這次的地震發生在一樣位處板塊交界地帶的台灣,結果會是怎樣??  相較之下,我的煩惱是如此渺小..........唉~~這一刻,請替日本祈福,希望日本可以盡快走出災難的陰影,恢復往日的生活,God Bless Japan.

2011年3月9日 星期三


算一算感冒到現在也十多天,「酷酷嗽」的情況一直沒改善,只要多說話,就開始咳咳咳,咳到都胸痛了,還是感覺有濃濃的痰卡在呼吸道出不來,尤其是晚上睡覺前,咳的特別厲害。下午Eva Wu專程從桃園開車送來止咳涼涼小黑丸,好感動哦。現在的我,每天十點上床睡覺,早點休息,希望感冒咳嗽快點好。google到下列四種經絡止咳方法,我要來試試,也順便分享給大家。

終結「酷酷嗽」四式 1/毛巾去寒 止酷酷嗽


終結「酷酷嗽」四式 2/輕拍胸口 身體補氣


終結「酷酷嗽」四式 3/久咳不停 舒通經絡鬆身

終結「酷酷嗽」四式 4/徹底改善 夜間咳嗽


2011年3月1日 星期二



哈爾濱行Tom已請當地友人--馬磊安排好,2/25一早帶著愉快的心情從台北出發,和Tom在上海浦東機場碰面後,轉機到哈爾濱太平機場,因上海飛哈爾濱的班機delay2小時,到哈爾濱市區時已經是晚上8點多,從深圳出發的Aki & David早已在市區閒逛2小時,等我們一起用餐,日落後的哈爾濱氣溫是零下10度C以下,這麼冷的天,在街頭逛街,一定是冷到不行 :s









